Michigan based wedding, portrait & commerical photographer

Mishelle lamarand




Personal | Quiet mind.

January 21, 2015

Hi, I'm jessica.
Hi there! Welcome to the Clover Club blog, a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!
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The Clover club Wedding guide
Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.

I’m going to preface this post by saying that I’ve always loved to write.  Even as a kid, I kept a journal that was bursting at the seams.  I wrote poems.  Trust me, nothing worth sharing.  I was the girl who would geek out in Lit 101 in High School and all my electives in college were usually writing based.  I have no idea how I ended up with a degree in Psychology instead of journalism or something along those lines.  So when I entered the blogging world, it felt natural to write… And write some more.

I’ve been pretty open about my experience over the past 12 weeks on my personal Facebook page.  sometimes I just sit down to put out one thought, and the floodgates open … exposing the deepest part of me.  Sometimes it’s a sad feeling that drives me to post, sometimes anger and sometimes pure joy. But either way, it’s helpful to me to just get it out. Every time I post, I get a handful of private messages thanking me for sharing my raw emotions. And that it in some small way helped that person cope with something that they’re struggling with or that it’s changed them deep down inside.

So I thought it would be a good idea to start sharing them here as well. Of course I’m a little self conscious because most of these pictures are fuzzy little iPhone pics.  But here they are.  And I’m posting them sort of randomly, but my hope is that in some small way it helps you too.

xoxo, Mishelle

January 4, 2015

I’ve been quiet lately. My mind is finally starting to settle down from the past 10 weeks of shock, uncertainty, sadness piled right on top of birthdays and major holidays. I have to be honest … it was rough. The emptiness that I feel without having Jeff by my side is consuming. I try every day to fill that emptiness with the sweet reminder of how much we loved him, and the many amazing memories we had as a family of four. Nothing can ever take those away, as they’re permanently engrained on our heart.

But as I head into a brand new year, I find myself ready to come out of this fog of love & loss. I’ve given myself permission to cuddle up under a blanket and bury my nose in a good book for the past 3 months.



But I’ve emerged a different person – whether I wanted to be or not. I feel distance between who I was and who I’ve become … and I’m determined to embrace it. I’m still who I always was, a confident woman, a silly & loving mama, ambitious business owner, and humbled to call some of this industry’s amazing creatives some of my dearest friends. They call me ’round the clock.  Sometimes to meet for coffee, send me a text that they know will make me giggle, offer to watch my kids or even just plop down on my couch on a Saturday night for the simple joy of company. 





2015 is going to be (yet another) year of big changes for our family. And some of them are filled with fear and doubt. Will I be able to finish our Dexter House without Jeff’s guidance? Can I really move my kids to an entirely new community all by myself? Will I be able to sell our home in Taylor without going bankrupt? Will I be able to continue to work at the same vigorous pace and fill my own heart with a career I adore? All of these answers are coming to me slowly. And now that I’ve been able to manage some of my grief and sudden changes I’m hearing these answers coming into my heart… And all it’s incredibly exciting!

I know that I have to take things one big decision at a time. And that there will be a day that I will sit back in amazement that I was able to follow through on our dreams. I’m excited for that day to come … I know that this journey is my own. And that I have to accept it for what it is. To love it, to own it, to embrace it and make it my own. I’m learning to love the me that I am now. I have so many decisions to make.  But the most important one is to either be taken down by this thing or rise above it.


Sometimes as I’m driving in my car or after I’ve put the kids to bed after a busy day, I’m left alone with all of life’s possibilities. Then I get excited, and go to call Jeff or want to run downstairs and tell him about a big idea I’ve had. But then I realize he’s not there. Yes, that’s real. Happens to me all the time.

I’m often reminded that he is still a BIG part of who I am. After all, I’ve loved him since I was 19 years old! He stood by my side while I navigated my career, became a mom, and shared so many turning points with me. And just remembering that he would have all the confidence in the world in me to push on, move forward and climb the mountains in front of me. I recently found a letter that he wrote to me when I was gathering the courage to ask for a big promotion. His words were so kind, so real and I felt so lucky to have him pushing me forward. Just like he is today.I feel closer to him than I ever have. I feel closer to God, the ultimate Creator and my true self than I ever thought possible. That’s an entirely different post that I can’t wait to share when the time is right.

10929011_10153116938099416_803538453319420513_nSo on that note, hello 2015 … this girl is ready for you!



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  1. Deanna W says:

    I always looked to your website and blog for your amazing images that I strive for and still do not get, I find myself looking now for your personal posts, I have had a ton of loss in my life which i have shared with you before, but now we are struggling in a different way, but I think to myself when seeing your posts and instagram pics, if you can rise up and get through this ! I can Rise through what ever i am going through, your amazing , stay blessed.


  2. Debbie says:

    I can relate to the things you talk about in so many ways. Although I didn’t lose my husband to death, I did experience loss through unexpected infidelity and divorce. For the past 10 years I have raised my 2 children on my own, with the absence of their father (by his choice). I have gone back to school as a single mom, struggled financially as a single mom, spent endless weeks in the hospital with my sick daughter and have seen her through 20+ surgeries as a single mom. But through all of the struggles, I have raised 2 amazing children who love and respect their momma! I can sit back,smile and know that through it all, we are a strong family of 3.

    You can do this Mishelle!! You have Jeff looking down on you and your kids and he, with God’s help will guide you! Trust & Believe! xo

  3. Lindsay says:

    Your honesty and openness in an unimaginable situation are amazing to me. I have always been inspired by your photography. Now I am inspired by your heart. Your family is often in my prayers. God is walking with you in this, as are many people who love you I am sure. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Dayna says:

    I just love you. That is all. This post is filled with so much hope and love I can hardly contain it. I love you so so much, you inspire me daily! <3

  5. Kim says:

    Like Debbie, I too can relate to what you are going through. I have lost love through divorce. Not once but twice. I thought the second man was ‘my man’….and yet it was not meant to be. Here I sit with my glass of wine, dog by my side and reading your inspiring posts. You have been so inspiring to so many. Never doubt who you are. You will pull through this…yes, a different person…but a wonderful, loving, strong and amazing person!!! More so than you could ever have imagined. And, Jeff is with you, Jillian and Nash and he always will be. I strongly believe that, Mishelle! Please keep writing and expressing yourself. It is healing for so many of us. Love you!!

  6. Dear, Grace. says:

    […] been following me here for the past few years, you would understand why.  Not sure what I mean?  Go here.  And here … and here.  Writing reaches deep inside me, and becomes a vessel for me to let […]

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I'm Jessica and I'm so happy you're here. This blog a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!

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Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.


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