Michigan based wedding, portrait & commerical photographer

Mishelle lamarand




Best iPhone Apps, ever.

August 14, 2011

Hi, I'm jessica.
Hi there! Welcome to the Clover Club blog, a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!
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The Clover club Wedding guide
Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.

Let’s face it, technology is amazing.  I sometimes sit back and wonder what I did without it.  I think I was lost a lot.  And listened to the radio.  And had post it notes in every nook and cranny in my office.  But now, thanks to the powerful tools created for all of my beloved Macs, I have all of the tools I need to run my business from anywhere in the world at my fingertips.  And yes, I have fully surrendered to all things Mac.  I guess you could say I drank the Kool-Aid by the gallon.  But their products make my job so much easier.  So I thought I would do a little run-down of my favorite apps ever and why I think they’re simply awesome.

Evernote – a powerhouse app for housing all of your notes.  Everything from web images, voice notes, e-mail, images.  Synced, organized and ready for you to access across any device.  This is where I house ideas for shoots, personal inspiration, voice notes to remind myself of certain deadlines and projects. Evernote is powerful and a must-have for any busy photographer.

Flipboard – This app just has a certain cool factor.  You can link it to some of your favorite sites, and it reads and displays them like you’re flipping through a magazine.  You just “flip” the pages on your iPad and away you go.  Click on embedable links and you’re taken straight to the source.  Way cool.

Accuweather – You know you’re a natural light photographer when you have 6+ weather apps on your iPhone at any given time.  And I happen to have about 7, but Accuweather seems to be the most accurate for me (Imagine that haha)  and I love it’s interface.  It’s really easy to use, and detailed enough that I know exactly what’s going on with the weather at any minute.  Truly my favorite weather app!

ShootQ – Well, most busy photographers don’t have the luxury of having their own secretary, but know they could really use 2 or 3, especially during the busy months.  ShootQ is my studio manager of choice, and I’ve been using it for about 2 years now.  It does most of my administrative paperwork (yuck) type business stuff. And the best part is their app in which I can pretty much house every phone number, contract, billing info, appointment times, sales projections, bookings and pretty much everything I need to know about every lead and booked client.  It lets me schedule and even book clients right there on the spot.  Could. Not. Live. Without. It.  Or it’s app.  And a huge shoutout to ShootQ, and their team for making my job seamless and take the pain out of the endless paperwork. Thank you!

Pandora – Oh, my love affair with Pandora.  Where were you in my former sales life where my office was my car as I covered the corn fields of Northeatern Ohio?!  Seriously.  It is the best app ever.  It allows me to listen to my favorite music and create stations that are exactly what I’m in the mood for.  I listen to it non-stop whether I’m on the road or in my office.  It simply rocks.

TomTom –  the one thing Mac hasn’t quite figured out yet with mobile devices is a solid gps system.  Which I use every single day.  And after a bunch of research and test runs with almost every app on the face of the planet, finally decided on TomTom.  It has street level, voice navigation and I’ve yet to miss a turn while using it. Although not cheap by any means, it’s worth it’s weight in gold.

SkyClock – And lastly, Sky Clock.  Because every photographer should know precisely down to the second what time will be setting or rising on the day of a shoot, right?  Right.  I love this app and it helps me time my soots so that I can get the best possible light and of course reach for that magical golden hour that we all love so much.





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Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.


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