I’m just going to say it out loud … I hate having my picture taken … there. I said it. Publicly, for all to see and hear. And it’s 100% true. Even when I had my own head shots done this past winter, I was terrified to get in front of the camera. Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind when I have my kids in my lap or my cheek squished up against my handsome hubby. Whether it’s Instagramming, Facebooking, blogging or some other made up adjective, I don’t mind sharing bits and pieces of my life. When I started shooting weddings, for some reason I immediately gravitated towards getting the bride alone, in front of my camera for a few quiet moments for her portrait. And although I may only have 5-6 minutes with her, it’s one of my favorite parts of the day. In looking back over the years, this quickly became part of my signature style as a photographer and can be seen consistently throughout my portfolio.
I started really thinking lately why that was. Why I gravitated towards this almost immediately. And after thinking about it, I was channeling my own fear, and turning it into positive energy instead. It was almost as if I was comforted by making someone else – the beautiful person in front of my camera – feel comfortable. Because let’s face it. Most of us feel beautiful, despite the fact that our head is filled with doubt. And we see so many images of what beautiful “should” look like that even on our wedding day, we have a little bit of fear living in our hearts before we step in front of the camera that we won’t be beautiful enough. But of course … you are enough. You are beautiful. Inside and out.
And so I will always clear a few moments in your timeline to capture those moments. I may even clear the room so that I can capture the real you, without the hustle & bustle of your wedding day. It’s honestly one of my favorite times during the day. Just me and my fears … and you being beautiful.
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