Michigan based wedding, portrait & commerical photographer

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Love Shoot // Erin & Matt

September 5, 2013

Hi, I'm jessica.
Hi there! Welcome to the Clover Club blog, a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!
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The Clover club Wedding guide
Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.

It’s no secret that I love the city of Detroit.  There’s something to be said about the struggles it’s been through and the fact that it’s still standing.  I love it’s decay, and it’s ability to rise above it all and become something to be proud of.  A few weeks ago, I went into a wedding consult with potential clients expecting to hear about all the details of their wedding day, but ended up chatting mostly of our love for this city.  We talked about location scouting together to find perfect locations for their wedding day and love shoot and an hour later, I think we both knew we were a great match.  I love working with clients that share my same passions and visions.  It always makes for a great time working together.

Erin & Matt decided that they’d like to start their love shoot in one of Detroit’s most historic and inventive buildings in Detroit, the Ford Piquette Plant, also known as the birth place of the Model T.  This is the plant where Henry Ford worked in “secret rooms” to bring his invention to life and where the world’s first assembly line took place to put cars in the hands of consumers.  I’d never shot there, and was thrilled when these two reserved it after hours for us to shoot in.  And it was everything I’d expected and more.  It was awe inspiring.  Old & gritty, rows of antique cars, lined with three levels of old cars.  I had fun playing with it’s natural light coming through the original windows, and the wooden floors caked with dust.  I could have shot every inch of that place given a few hours.

But that wasn’t the best part.  The best part was watching these two together, and hearing their story of how they met, first dates … I loved every minute shooting with Erin & Matt and they felt more like old friends than people I’d just met the week before.  We hit a few of their favorite spots around the city and even climbed 9 flights of stairs towards the end of the shoot to catch the sun setting over Detroit.  It was a pretty amazing shooting with these two.  Here’s a look.

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I'm Jessica and I'm so happy you're here. This blog a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!

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The Clover club Wedding guide

Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.


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