Michigan based wedding, portrait & commerical photographer

Mishelle lamarand




For the Love of Learning: Sarah Brooke Photography

January 28, 2013

Hi, I'm jessica.
Hi there! Welcome to the Clover Club blog, a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!
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The Clover club Wedding guide
Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.

I never in my wildest dreams dared think that I would get to the point in my career that I would have the time or even the guts to take on mentoring other professional photographers.  When I launched For the Love of Learning Mentoring sessions back in the fall of last year, I already had a few people that I had worked with previously that were interested in learning along with me.  One of them was Sarah.  You see I’ve known Sarah for about 6 years now.  Her sister Chelsea’s wedding was the very first wedding I ever shot.  I remember how terrified I was that I was about to shoot the biggest day in someone’s life so far and the pressure that came along with it.  But Chelsea and Justin put their faith in me that I could do it (they’re crazy, I know) and to this day, those are still some of my favorite wedding images.  I didn’t really get to know Sarah very well and even shot a few sessions for her and her family, but about 2 years ago I got a call from her asking if I could help her get started with photography and launching her own business.  Her and her husband Charlie were living in Las Vegas, and Charlie was getting ready to deploy soon.  I sensed from Sarah that she really had her heart set on a new career path and new beginnings for her and her family.  We kept in touch a little here and there over those two years and Sarah worked hard to build her business along with raising their twins  and making a new life for themselves.  They’ve since relocated to Biloxi, MS where Sarah once again found herself working hard to build – an essentially re-build – her clientele and establish herself as a portrait photographer.

Sarah and I spent an afternoon together this past December shooting and really diving into all aspects of her art and business.  We talked a lot about getting creative with shooting.  And to step out of our comfort zone and try new things.  We talked about technical shooting, what inspires her, her goals for 2013 and beyond and really put together a solid plan to get her up and running in her new hometown.  One of Sarah’s goals was to launch and entirely fresh and new brand, website and blog.  Another was to find creative ways to generate business and build a strong clientele in a new city.

“One of the biggest things Mishelle has taught me is to push myself creatively. Finding my inner artist and as she says ” letting my wings fly” . I also learned  workflow, editing, managing a business with family and tons more. She has been there whenever I needed her. Her continuing support has really pushed me to take my business to the next level! Mishelle teaches from her heart and it shows! Thank you so much Mishelle!”

With her new site ready to go, and a great plan in place, it’s time to make things happen!  Look out, Biloxi.  Because here comes Sarah Brooke Photography.  Here’s a peek at our shoot together and a few behind the scenes of Sarah shooting an engagement shoot.  But first, a few fun facts about Sarah:

How long have you  been in business?
Going on 2 years but just relocated to Biloxi MS so starting fresh in 2013!
Where are you located?
Biloxi, MS
Where can we find your most current work, blog, site?
Canon or Nikon?  Favorite lens?
Canon girl! 50 mm 1.4 but Mishelle has showed me what my 85 mm can do! 
Coffee or tea?
Neither, tried to be a big girl and try both… just didnt like it. Yuck
What inspires you?
love, family and my 2 beautiful amazing busy 2 year old twins
My favorite thing to take pictures of is ….
My kids playing on the beach! They love it there and so do I. The sunsets in the south are just breath taking.
What’s the most exciting thing you have planned for 2013 (personal or business)
Restarting my business in a new location, pushing my comfort zone and letting me wings fly! So excited for 2013! I cant wait to see what it has to offer. #makeithappen2013!
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One of the things that is included in mentoring is a full portfolio and website critique and review.  We sit down together and really dig into your website and/or blog and see it through your client’s eyes.  We take a look at who your targeting to make sure that your work is tailored to those specialties.  Sara’s worked so hard over the past few weeks on her new site, and you can clearly see that a clear focus on your brand, your clients and your work will help you design a site that is a true reflection of who you are.  Sarah’s old site:

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And her new, beautifully branded site.  Head on over and take a look!  And of course feel free to stop by and leave her some love.

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I'm Jessica and I'm so happy you're here. This blog a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!

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The Clover club Wedding guide

Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.


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