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February Obsessed List: Oh Baby!

February 27, 2012

Hi, I'm jessica.
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Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.

Time to squeeze in just one more Obsessed list before this little one arrives.  The month of February brought along with it so many wonderful things to obsess over including a flurry of baby products and exciting new adventures ahead.  I only thought it appropriate that this month’s version be all baby related!  I’ve always been a mom that tries to keep things simple when it comes to baby products.  I love to try new things, but there is so much out there I could easily go broke.  So I keep it simple.  Just since the time I had Jillian 5 years ago, there are so many new inventions, gadgets and doo dads to help care for yourself and your baby, it’s enough to make a mommy’s head spin.  But here are some of my favorite things when it comes to taking care of myself and my babies.  So here we go.

Cuddle – I loooove baby blankets.  Some of my favorite baby blankets when Jillian was little were the handmade ones that were given to us by her aunts.  She still sleeps with one each night.  I definitely picked up a few crocheted ones for this little boy as well, but recently I have been obsessing over the ones from Aden + Anais.  I picked up a few early in my pregnancy before I found out I was having a boy and just recently opened them up to wash them and fell in love with them instantly!  These have to be the softest and most practical swaddlers with the perfect amount of stretch that I’ve ever seen. In no time, I’ve doubled my collection and can’t wait to wrap my little guy in them as we cuddle the days away!  My favorites are the Bamboo Swaddlers.  Made from a bamboo fiber muslin, they are soft, luxurious and come in some adorable and simple prints.  You may have seen that Target is now carrying this brand as well, and i have to be honest I have noticed a difference between the ones they carry and the ones directly from Aden + Anais that you can find on their website or in your local baby boutique.  They are not as soft, in my opinion.  But if you do get a chance to pick some up locally or online, I’m sure you will love the softness as much as I do.

Clean – This is not the first time Burt’s Bees has made an Obsessed List.  But I love their products.  They’re products are natural, smell great and clean even the dirtiest of kids!  They have expanded their lines to now include care for baby and mama as well.  There are many out there that I’ve tried, but always seem to come back to them.  Some of my favorites in their baby line is the Baby Bee Shampoo and Wash (smells like fresh honey straight out of the bottle, yum!)  and the Baby Bee Mulipurpose Ointment.  I find myself digging into this one on a regularly for Jillian’s dry skin all winter long.  It works great for when she’s been blowing her little nose and it gets chapped.  Looking forward to seeing it work it’s magic for baby too.

Mommy – Speaking of taking care of mommy … nothing makes me a better mommy than when I can make time to care for myself too!  Sometimes taking care of your kids, and especially a new baby can be a bit overwhelming and we often put ourselves last and morph into a disheveled, heap of a mess.  And yes, I speak from experience.  So I thought I’d be prepared with a little luxury for myself, and this week I whipped up a batch of sugar scrub to keep me feeling pampered anytime I’d like.  I’ve always loved using oils on my skin, and this was a very simple recipe that I found on Pinterest and made enough for my mom and I that smells and works amazing and keeps my skin glowing all the time!

Coconut Oil Sugar Body Scrub

1/4 Cup Coconut Oil

1T. Coarsely Chopped Ginger

1/4 Cup Cold Pressed Oil (ie. Grapeseed, Sunflower)

3/4 Cup Granulated or Turbinado Sugar

1/4 Cup Kosher Salt

1-4 Drops Essential Oil (ie. Lemongrass, Tea Tree, Lavender)

In a small saucepan over low heat heat the coconut oil and ginger pieces. Continue heating for 5-10 minutes until ginger scent and juice has transferred into the oil. Remove from heat and press through a fine mesh sieve or through a coffee filter.
While the oil is still warm, mix together with cold-pressed oil. Stir to combine and allow to come to room temperature. Stir in sugar and salt. Scent with essential oils as desired. Pack into a container.  To Use: Massage into damp skin and allow to sit 2-4 minutes. Using a washcloth covered in warm water, steam over face or stand in a steamy shower for a minute. Using the wet washcloth, wipe excess from skin. Rinse and repeat until oil is washed away.  Makes approximately 8 ounces sugar body scrub.

Smart – Some baby gear is just plain smart.  Like the Bundle Me Series from JJCole.  I had a few of these for Jillian and knew right away I’d be getting a few this time around, too.  These are great (especially if you have a winter baby) to keep them warm and cozy in either a car seat/carrier or stroller.  It fits in perfectly and keeps baby warm and covered.  I even would zip off the cover sometimes and use it for diaper changes or quick naps when we were out and about.  I picked up this cute green one for this baby, and I just love it.  They come in a variety of thickness, and I have one that’s thicker and one that is a bit thinner for Michigan spring and fall walks.  One of my favorite baby products around!

Love – The idea of being a family of … four.  Don’t get me wrong.  Jeff, Jillian and I have had many adventures together as a family of three but we are all beside ourselves with excitement about adding another little member to the mix!  It just makes sense, and we never really knew how it was meant to be that way until we unexpectedly found out we were having another baby.  This is one of my favorite images of the three of us taken on a vacation in Florida when Jillian was about 14 months old.  I’ll cherish these images for a lifetime.

Shoot – And finally, I am beyond excited to get back to shooting and expanding my horizons once he gets here.  I’ve been brushing up on some basics of shooting, primarily film.  I haven’t shot a roll of film since I was in college and I’m looking forward to capturing my little guy in the truest form of media in my opinion. There is something magical and real about film images.  They have a certain feel that cannot be duplicated with digital media.  The grain is real, the blur is real and I can’t get a film camera in my hands fast enough and start shooting away.  I’m so thankful to a few friends who have offered up their gear and film tips for the first few weeks after baby’s home.  Looking forward to sharing them with you.

That’s all for now, less than a week to go before we are a family of four …

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