Michigan based wedding, portrait & commerical photographer

Mishelle lamarand





January 18, 2012

Hi, I'm jessica.
Hi there! Welcome to the Clover Club blog, a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!
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The Clover club Wedding guide
Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.

The anticipation of  a new baby is pretty overwhelming.  I am overflowing with excitement and can’t wait to meet him, kiss his little face, smell his sweet little breath.  With less than 7 weeks to go, I thought this would be a good time to put together a little post to keep my clients up to date.  I’ve received a few phone calls and e-mails wondering when I’ll be taking time off and how long I’ll be out of the office.  I still have plenty of work on my plate, and even a few shoots so I will be around a few weeks longer.  But given the fact that I had my daughter 5 weeks early, it’s never too early to plan ahead.  I’ve learned that babies come when they’re ready.

My actual due date is March 4th, so my plan is to have all of my 2011 wedding galleries delivered by Feb 1st, and all wedding albums designed and ordered no later than Feb. 10th, and all edits done by Feb 15th.  That gives me a few weeks of quiet and time to get ready before he arrives.  I’ll be away from my desk most of the time I’m gone, and my first day back will be May 19th when I get to shoot a beautiful wedding at St. John in Plymouth.  I’ll still be checking my e-mail periodically and responding to new inquiries but don’t plan to be shooting (aside from my own little bundle) until after I come back.  From there, I don’t anticipate any changes in my schedule and will kick off a busy senior season on June 1st as well as so many beautiful weddings this summer and fall.  I appreciate so much all the love and support I’ve already received from clients, friends and of course my family.  Running a business as a full-time photographer and being a mommy takes a certain balance that I still have yet to master.  But I appreciate everyone’s patience and support.

And of course a post wouldn’t be a post without a few images.  A few weeks ago, I asked my niece Candice to shoot a few last maternity pictures of Jillian and I.  (If you don’t know already, she is married to my nephew Dave and together they make one amazing team of photographers). I’ve shot her so many times and it was fun to have the tables turned and let her spread her creative wings.  I love these images of Jillian and I and will cherish them forever.

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  1. Aubri says:

    Soooooo beautiful both words and images! I know you are itching to hold that new baby but try to keep him in there ’til March 😉

  2. Candice says:

    You are beautiful inside and out, Love you 🙂 Thank you for letting me take your pictures!!

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I'm Jessica and I'm so happy you're here. This blog a journal about our lives, travels, fashion, and style. Stay a while and say hello!

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The Clover club Wedding guide

Dolor mixtape food truck Austin, assumenda Odd Future Carles ani Echo Park cillum.


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